Everyday Math (no course number)

Approval Status


Date Reviewed

October 2015
Math isn't about plugging numbers into formulas. It's about knowing enough to make the numbers and formulas work for you. Math can be incredibly useful - but only if you understand how and when to apply it in your everyday life. This course will show you how to use math to your advantage. You won't find any theory or memorization here. The lessons that make up this course are filled with practical exercises and information that you can put to immediate use. You'll find out some very interesting things about how calculators work, and then you'll discover how best to get a handle on your income and expenses. You'll be able to check your paystub, invoices, and bank statements for errors and overcharges, and you'll become more skilled at handling money and comparing investment opportunities. You'll learn how to calculate percentages, including the proper amount to pay in tips, commissions, taxes, and discounts. You'll find out how to calculate interest rates and you'll develop a better understanding of mortgages, credit cards, and other types of loans. You'll discover a handy method for converting one type of measurement to another, and you'll be able to calculate areas correctly so you don't overspend on your next home improvement project. You'll become adept at interpreting graphs, calculating the probability that something will (or won't) happen, and understanding the statistics embedded in test results, polls, and even news stories.

Course Type

Lower Division