EDU 305 - Child Development & EDUC 526 - Overview of Adolescent Psychology



Approval Status


Date Reviewed

December 2019

EDU 305 - Child Development 

This course explores the development of the child from birth through eighth grade. Physical, cognitive/intellectual, social/emotional, and moral development will be examined. The course focuses on defining the various stages as they impact instructional practices and decisions in a pre-K-8 environment.


EDUC 526 - Overview of Adolescent Psychology his course provides an overview of theory and research on adolescent development aligned to the following domains: physical, cognitive, emotional, social, moral, and identity. Participants review how adolescents react to and cope with the influence of sociocultural context in society. In addition, participants analyze adolescent interactions with peers and family, gender and multicultural issues, and school and community settings.


These courses combined satisfy the Educational Psychology prerequisite. 


Course Type

Upper Division