ED 191W: Health/Well-Being

Approval Status


Date Reviewed

August 2015
Course Description: Explores how personal, family, school, community and environmental factors are related to academic, physical, emotional and social well-being. Topics include physiological and sociological effects of mental health, nutrition; sexual health; relationships; alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse. Covers children through emerging adults. Rationale: Students in this 4 unit class will learn how personal, family, school, community and environmental factors are related to academic, physical, emotional, and social well-being. Students will learn how to enhance their own and others’ health and wellness through research-based interventions, including individual skill development and engagement in healthy environments. This class will include both lecture and discussion sections. Lectures, taught in a large group format on Mondays, will use discussion and activities to teach students about creating and sustaining healthy supportive environments through collaborative work with families and communities. Through guest lectures by Health and Wellness (H & W) professionals, students will also learn about the physiological and sociological effects of: healthy nutrition; sexual health and relationships; alcohol and other drug responsibility; violence prevention; mental health; and wellness. Students will meet in a small group format on Wednesdays during their discussion section. Discussion sections are designed to provide a personal learning experience and will include individual, pair and small group sharing. Through interactive strategies, students will learn and practice research-based social, emotional, and cognitive skills that are known to enhance well-being for children, adolescents, and emerging adults.

Course Type

Upper Division