MATH 120 - Introductory Probability and Statistics

Approval Status


Date Reviewed

March 2022

Prerequisite(s): MATH 040 C or MATH 041 C or MATH 024 C or Algebra II with a grade of C or better and the assessment process. NOTE: Students majoring in Business, Engineering, Science or Math should be taking MATH 040 C or MATH 041 Crather than MATH 024 C.

Proof of prerequisites is required. NOTE: Students majoring in Business, Engineering, Science or Math should be taking MATH 040 C or MATH 041 C rather than MATH 024 C. Term hours: 72 lecture. This course is an introduction to the elements of statistical analysis which includes an intuitive approach to the study of probability and probability distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, sampling techniques, parametric and non-parametric tests of hypotheses, point and interval estimation, linear regression and correlation. Applications to business, biological sciences, and social sciences are emphasized. Students will use computer software and/or graphing calculators for statistical analysis of various topics. This course requires the use of a graphing calculator comparable to the TI-83/84.

Course Type

Lower Division