Singapore Math Strategies: Advanced Model Drawing for Grades 6-9

Approval Status


Date Reviewed

October 2015

Model drawing is a core part of Singapore Math, a base-10 math program that forms the foundation of math instruction in Singapore. When you introduce model drawing into your classroom, your students will succeed with word problems, build math skills, and develop self-confidence. And they'll even look forward to math! You'll learn how to use model drawing with many different types of word problems, including part-whole problems, word problems involving comparisons, and before-and-after word problems. You'll also master advanced techniques to help you model more complex problems, and gain insights into how to guide students as they grapple with consecutive integers, remainders, percents, and problems involving rate and distance. Finally, you'll put it all together as you create your own word problems based on models provided in the course. You'll even learn how to train parents in the basics of model drawing so they can help their kids continue to build their problem-solving skills.