MATH 4 - Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry

Approval Status


Date Reviewed

September 2011
Covers topics in MATH 2 and MATH 3 and is designed for the motivated student able to fulfill the requirements of both courses in a single course. A study of functions and their properties including trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential, polynomial, rational functions and their graphs, inverses and applications. The relationship between the equation form of a function and its graph will be emphasized. May not be taken pass/no pass. May be offered in a Distance Learning Format. Transfer Credit: Transfers to CSU, UC, with limits: Math 2 and 4 combined maximum credit: 1 course. (Math 2: Presents functions and their properties including polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions and their graphs, inverses and applications. May not be taken pass/no pass; Math 3: Presents right and oblique triangle trigonometry with applications including vectors, graphing, identities, trigonometric equations, and trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions. May not be taken pass/no pass.)