This site is used to determine if coursework you took as an undergraduate student will meet either your Basic Skills Requirement or a course prerequisite of the teaching education program. Please review the appropriate section below for information on how to use this website.
How To Navigate This Website
- Use Find your College if you would like to see approved and rejected courses by college. Check here first to see if the course you would like to substitute has already been reviewed.
- Use Browse Requirements if you would like to browse approved and rejected courses by requirement.
- Use Course Inquiry to place a course equivalency request, if you have taken a course or are thinking about taking a course that has not yet been reviewed for equivalency.
We utilize a color-coded system:
- GREEN indicates courses have been reviewed and deemed ‘equivalent’ in content to our requirements.
- YELLOW indicates a review is in process. You should be able to check back within a week for the determination.
- ORANGE indicates either 1) the course was previously deemed equivalent but too much time has elapsed since we evaluated the course, or 2) some sections of the class cover the required content while others don't. In all cases, we need a current syllabus to evaluate whether the course still meets the required content.
- RED indicates courses have been reviewed and are NOT equivalent to our requirement.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have taken a course that you believe might be equivalent to a requirement and it is not listed on our site already, please be sure to review the course description to be sure that it is a course that equivalencies can be considered for and that the course you have completed covers the content described. Then if appropriate, submit a Course Inquiry Request. You can expect to be notified by email within 3-4 weeks whether your course is equivalent or not.
1. Basic Skills Requirements
There are many testing options available to meet the Basic Skills Requirement for California teachers. There are many test taking options available to meet this requirement - review the full list first. If you still have not met the requirement for all three content areas, then explore the option to meet that content area through coursework. The courses that meet each of the specific content areas are listed under requirement titles:
- Basic Skills-Mathematics (courses in: algebra, geometry, mathematics, quantitative reasoning, or statistics)
- Basic Skills-Reading (courses in: critical thinking, literature, philosophy, reading, rhetoric, or textual analysis)
- Basic Skills-Writing (courses in: composition, English, rhetoric, written communication, or writing)
If the course you believe meets the required content is not offered through either the English, Mathematics, or Statistics departments and the course title does not include the name of the content area (i.e. Reading), you must provide a letter from the department chair at the College where the course was taken. For Reading and Writing – the letter must come from the English department chair. For Mathematics – the letter must come from the Mathematic department chair. If the department chairs have questions, they may reach us by email to
IMPORTANT: For each of the three content areas we have listed courses that we have determined will meet the CTC requirements for content. You need to have passed the class with a B- or better (or a Passing grade on a P/NP course) and you need a total of 3.0 semester units/4.0 quarter units for each content area. This may require you to pass more than one class in the content area.
2. Course Equivalencies
Do the courses you have taken fulfill our program prerequisites? The UC Davis Course Equivalency website allows you to search our records to determine if courses completed at other universities are equivalent to our program prerequisites.
NOTE: Substitutions will only be accepted for the following program prerequisites:
- AED100 - Concepts in Agricultural and Environmental Education
- EDU110 - Educational Psychology - copy of syllabus required
- Fundamental Math (multiple subject applicants only) - copy of syllabus required
- U. S. Constitution - copy of syllabus required
NOTE: Substitutions will only be accepted for the following credential course:
- EDU 115 - Educating Children with Disabilities - copy of syllabus required
**** For more information, please contact the office at or by phone at (530) 752-5887 .